Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Coyote reproduction and development

Reproduction and development
- does not mate for life, but may stay together for several years
- monestrous (breeds once per year)
- usually February
- 4 to 5 day period of estrus
- gestation is 58 to 65 days
- 5 to 7 pups
- birth in April or early May
-- blind, helpless
-- brownish-gray wooly fur
-- weigh 9 oz
-- gain 10.5 oz/week until weaning
- both car for young
-- male brings food for nursing female
- whelps
-- able to crawl when 2-3 days old
-- walk @ 8-10 days
-- eyes open by 2 weeks
-- venture outside 1 week later
-- parents provide partially digested food
-- weaning occurs @ 8-9 weeks
--- group abandons den
--- young taught to hunt
- family disbands in autumn
-- young disperse up to 120 miles from den
-- hunt alone from autumn to winter
-- may pair and breed (most wait until 2 years old)
- achieves adult weight around 9 months old
-- breed when a year old (2 years for wolves)
- close relatives of dogs - will mate with them
- better food supply = larger litter
- for rearing young
- brush covered slopes
- rocky ledges
- hollow logs
- may excavate own den or renovate abandoned woodchuch, fox or skunk den
- well concealed by brush
- have several entrances about 1' in diameter
- tunnels range from 5 to 30 feet and terminate at nest chamber
- nest chamber about 3 feet in diameter

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