Monday, January 28, 2008

The crows

I have a feeling this may be an end as well as an introduction, but this came to mind as I was walking through the parking lot in the morning after midnight shift listening to and watching the birds...


It was like the scene from that movie "The birds", the day the crows decided they'd had enough and chose to attack. I was on my way back from getting a newspaper at the dining hall when it started. You could see them silhoueted against the grey morning sky. As they started swooping down, I pulled my coat over my head, and took off running to my truck. As I pulled the door shut, they started crashing into the windshield and windows, so I turned the wipers on and tried some washer fluid to chase them away. My fine motor skills became coarse, but I finally fumbled the key into the ignition and got the truck started...

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